The aim of our activities and programs is to engage our volunteers in year-round community education through workshops, presentations and cultural arts, of which the Carassauga festival is one component!
One of our ongoing projects is the Carassauga Festival of Cultures; it is an annual festival that is held on the last weekend of May in Mississauga, Ontario. Our ACCO club proudly hosts "Lebanon Pavilion" at this first largest multicultural festival in Ontario and second largest festival in Canada.
Visitors will truly fall in love with the wonderful colours of the costumes, the choreography of the dances, the ethnic music, the talented kids' performance, and the cultural and delicious cuisine. We know that this year will be a supreme success and with your assistance and the community our group will succeed as well.
The Carassauga Festival of Cultures brings thousands of people together from all walks of life and from all origins to experience the other cultures of the world during this unique three day festival. We truly encourage you to assist our group in representing our beautiful and beloved country Lebanon in every aspect possible, and we trust that with your gracious assistance and generosity it will be a great year for our community group.
Our club volunteers and performers dedication to this event, made Lebanon pavilion presence at the Carassauga Festival of Cultures a great success year after year!
Other projects such as educational events are held quarterly. Such events are held with the help of our community experienced professional volunteers to spread out awareness and educate our youth on how to overcome any issues and problems they might face out there and make them knowledgeable and well prepared on how to deal with it.